April 2007

Volume 3, number 2.





April 2007.


News, miscellaneous and ‘Buy and Sell’ market.



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A visit at Louis Verelst.


Today’s visit is at Louis Verelst in Rij­ke­vor­sel, Belgium, breeder of Saxon Shield Pigeons and a keen fan­cy pi­geon man. For Louis, kee­ping pi­ge­ons became a passion du­ring the last 50 years, in fact an ad­diction, to which he dedicates him­self entirely and very suc­cess­fully.



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By : Nico van Benten

10 pages - 900 kB






Championship English Modena Club

in Germany.


It was with much pleasure the au­thors look back on a visit to this show and the Displaying of the En­glish Modena in such great quality and a number; some­thing that we, Dutch Modena bree­ders, don’t see very often.



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By : Gerard Simonis and

Het Koerhuis, Lunteren

6 pages - 550 kB







More than 400 years old, and still

fresh and lively.


Judging by its appearance, the Bresse is a simple countryside chic­ken, as eve­ry­body knows it. Next to their fame as meat-pro-du­cers, they were also known for their big white eggs. How­ever, it cannot be only the cha­rac­teris­tics of the breed that make the Bresse such an extra­ordinary chicken.



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By : Dirk de Jong

9 pages - 730 kB








A visit at Frits Meijers in Grashoek (NL). Frits is breeding Redcaps. This very rare breed has not been seen in the Dutch show pens for ma­ny years, but recently Frits Meijer showed some… and they were fair­ly good qua­lity indeed !



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By : Elly Vogelaar

9 pages - 900 kB








Peacocks ... who doesn't recognize the­se magnificent birds with their bril­liant colours and tail plumage fol­ding out to that well known enor­mous fan? Mo­ni­que shares with us her ex­pe­rien­ce in kee­ping Peafowl.



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By : Monique de Vrijer

8 pages - 1 MB









It is not the bantam Wyandotte, but the lar­ge Wyandotte fowl that we are wor­ried about. In The Ne­ther­lands, the breed is recognised in 16 colour va­rie­ties, but only four of them are actually bred by at least ten fanciers.



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By : Jan Willem Hondelink

6 pages - 700 kB








Part 6a of the series is about caring for the Barbary (Ringneck) dove. This Do­ve is an easy bird and so the­re are no strict guidelines for kee­ping, caring and breeding.  That is why we will men­tion only some ge­ne­ral points on this sub­ject.



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By : Hein van Grouw

5 pages - 225 kB







A collection of three extraordinary

short articles.


1. Drents Hoen

Author: Hilbert Pater


2. Home-made sex indicator

Author: Jim Mullan (UK)


3. ‘Top Art’

Author: Nico van Benten



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7 pages - 540 kB







Part 1.


This truly was a show like no other in size and beauty; a record brea­king 52,800 visitors! with appro­xima­tely 40 percent of the visitors coming from abroad. Of the 75,000 small livestock penned, 31,000 were pigeons and 19,000 were poul­try. At first we will give you the pi­geons.



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By : Hennie Schwarz & Mick Bassett

7 pages - 1,2 MB







Part 2.


Continuing show report of the Euro­pa Show in Leipzig. In Part 2 a whole lot of pictures of the various poul­try breeds that were entered at this show.



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By : Ad Taks and Mick Bassett

7 pages - 1,3 MB








Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time from Bel­gium: The Provincial Exhi­bition of West Flanders in Bruges, and from Ger­many: The Cochin Ban­tams Club­show in Borghorst.



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By : Dirk de Jong (Brugge show) and

Ardjan Warnshuis (Borghorst show)

8 pages - 1 MB






