December 2006

Volume 2, number 6





December 2006.


News, miscellaneous and ‘Buy and Sell’ market. Click here to read more.


21 pages - 1 MB






A visit at Combination

‘The Pigeon’.


Today’s visit is at Gré Sanders and Her­bert Vleeming in Zevenaar (NL); two exceptional fancy pigeon bree­ders. Over the years they had about 30 dif­ferent breeds in their lofts. Some were kept longer than other ones but all breeds served as study material for the Gré’s fancy pigeon judge exams.


Click here to read more.


By: Nico van Benten

8 pages - 1,4 MB







breeding and showing.


We always try to show our birds in opti­mal condition. But after show sea­son, we have to take care that our bree­ding pairs can breed in a suitable and quiet loft, and in top condition; heal­thy and properly recuperated from the past shows.


Click here to read more.


By: Filip Vierstraete

8 pages - 730 kB






A Pearl of an Orpington.


The Yellow Black-laced Orpington, pro­du­ced in the 70's was a colour that con­que­red and took the hearts of the bree­ders by storm and became one of the most beloved colours of all time. The cre­ator, Jobst von Veltheim surely could not possibly have even dreamed off such success!


Click here to read more.


By: Helmut Demler

7 pages - 500 kB








A visit at Koen van Ouwenhuysen in Gierle(B), a young fancier, breeding Marans bantam in various colours. He makes no secret of which colour is his favourite. “Breeding the blue copper Marans bantam is my dream”. That colour isn’t recognised yet in Belgium.


Click here to read more.


By: Elly Vogelaar

7 pages - 630 kB








Christmas is not a time for talking about diseases or infections, so we will give you a sweet love story – true to life - of the two Silkies Herman and Mihoen. Inimitably written down by  Monique.


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By: Monique de Vrijer

4 pages - 350 kB






The Mallard.


The Mallard is the progenitor of all domestic duck breeds, except for the Muscovy. In flight Mallards are easily iden­tified by their long necks and wings set far back on the body. The bright purple speculum and unique light grey under­parts are also easy to see.


Click here to read more.


By: Elly Vogelaar

7 pages - 900 kB






Breeding Cochin and Brahma

in Romania.


Probably, you haven’t heard much about Romanian poultry breeders. Yet, there are a lot of people who dedicate their extra-time, money and energy to rai­sing exhibition poultry.


Click here to read more.


By: Bobo Athes

7 pages - 650 kB








Part 5a of the series is about the beha­viour of the Barbary (Ringneck) dove. It is important for the bird keeper to know the normal behaviour of his birds, not only to help him understand why a dove reacts in a certain way but also to discern problems and disease in time.


Click here to read more.


By: Hein van Grouw

8 pages - 280 kB






Club day Dutch Specialty club for the

Ringbeater, Smijter and the



Some 60 pigeons in various ring­beater breeds were judged and dis­cus­sed by the members of the club. And it was a wonderful day.


Click here to read more.


By: Nico van Benten

4 pages - 800 kB







Part 1.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time from Hol­land: The Annual Club day of the Brah­ma Club and the Rosecomb Club and from the UK: The Eastleigh Club Show.


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7 pages - 1 MB







Part 2.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time the ROYAL ADELAIDE SHOW, Septem­ber 2006 (Australia) and the Deutsche Jung­geflü­gel­schau 2006 Hannover, Ger­ma­ny.


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9 pages - 1 MB







Part 2.


Proud owners, top animals and stri­king breed products. This time from Hol­land: Club Show of the SIS (Spe­cialty Club for Iberian Fancy Pigeon breeds); 100 year’s Jubilee Show of NUT & SPORT Woerden; The 2006 Fan­cy Pigeons Show of South Ne­ther­lands; en de Winter Show of DVV Zoe­termeer.


Click here to read more.


6 pages - 780 kB





